India stamps India philately revenue court fee fiscal mint used fdc rare states native Princely

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Indian Princely State Jath Fiscal Court fees and Revenue Stamps

Indian Princely State Jath, Formerly Deccan States Agency, now in Maharashtra State. Area of State 2,538 km2, Population was 91,102 in 1931, Privy purse was 49,924 Rs. on the time of accession (8th March1948).
Court fee stamps :-
Type-8, used in 1935-39, size 86x48 mm., Perf. 12. Wove paper.
1 Rupee, deep brown.
Receipt :--
Type- 20, used in 1940-45, size 25x28 mm. Wove paper, Perf.11, Printer L.V. Indap & Co., Bombay
1 Anna, deep vermilion
1 Anna, deep vermilion, 
(Design size 28x30mm. unrecorded size) 
1 Anna, deep vermilion
(Design size 28x33mm. unrecorded size)
Research note :-- Wave in flag in first illustrated stamps, no wave in flag in second illustrated stamps. 3rd stamps flag size is large and wave in flag.

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