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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

DDR East Germany stamps collection Year of issue 1968


Year of issue 1968
Winter Olympic Games - Grenoble, France, Date of issue 17th January 1968
75th Anniversary of Potsdam Observatory, Date of issue 17th January 1968
Soviet Space Travel, Date of issue 24th January 1968
Stained Glass - In Memorial of Sachsenhausen, Date of issue 21st February 1968
Leipzig Spring Fair, Date of issue 29th February 1968
Birth Centenary of Maxim Gorki, Date of issue 14th March 1968
Folk Costumes, Date of issue 14th March 1968
small Game - Birds & Hares, Date of issue 26th March 1968
7th Trade Union Congress, Date of issue 25th April 1968
150th Anniversary of the Birth of Karl Marx, Date of issue 25th April 1968
20th Anniversary of United Nations Declaration Human Rights, Date of issue 8th May 1968
Vietnam War, Date of issue 8th May 1968
Sports Events, Date of issue 6th June 1968
Youth, Date of issue 20th June 1968
9th Festival in Sofia, Date of issue 20th June 1968
Famous Buildings in DDR, Date of issue 25th June 1968
75th Anniversary of Birth of Walter Ulbricht, Date of issue 27th June 1968
750th Anniversary of Rostock, Date of issue 4th July 1968
Famous Persons, Date of issue 17th July 1968
Aviation - World Championship of Aerobatics Magdeburg, Date of issue 13th August 1968
Paintings from Dresden, Date of issue 20th August 1968
Leipzig Autumn Fair, Date of issue 29th August 1968
Dams, Date of issue 11th September 1968
Olympic Games - Mexico City, Date of issue 18th September 1968
Fort Breendonk Monument, Date of issue 10th October 1968
Insects, Date of issue 16th October 1968
50th Anniversary of November Revolution, Date of issue 29th October 1968
Orchids, Date of issue 12th November 1968
20th Anniversary of the Pioneer Union "Ernst Thalmann", Date of issue 3rd December 1968 

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