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Sunday, April 14, 2024

Bhutan stamps collection Year 1985 issue


Year of issue 1985-89 
The Judgement of Death Mask Dance, Date of issue 27th April 1985
Gutter marginal pair
40th Anniversary of United Nations, Date of issue 24th October 1985
Birds - The 200th Anniversary of the Birth of John J. Audubon, 1785-1851, Date of issue 15th November 1985
200th Anniversary of the Birth of Grimm Brothers, Folklorists, Date of issue 15th November 1985
South Asian Regional Co-operation Summit, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Date of issue 8th December 1985
The Precious Symbols, Date of issue 12th February 1986
Kilkhor Mandalas of Mahavana Buddhism, Date of issue 17th June 1986
Gutter marginal pair
100th Anniversary of Statue of Liberty, Date of issue 4th November 1986
500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus, Date of issue 25th May 1987
Birth Centenary of Marc Chagall, 1887-1985, Date of issue 17th December 1987
Composition with Goat
Romeo & Juliet
Winter Olympic Games, Calgary, Canada, Cartoon Character, Date of issue 15th February 1988

Transport, Date of issue 31st March 1988
Dam and Pylon - Chhukha Hydro-electric Project, Date of issue 21st October 1988
World Aids Day - Issue of 1979 Overprinted "WORLD AIDS DAY", Date of issue 1st December 1988
Olympic Games - Seoul 1988, South Korea, Date of issue 15th February 1989
Asia-Pacific Exhibition "Fukuoka '89" - Fukuoka, Japan - Issues of 1985 Overprinted "ASIA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION FUKUOKA '89", Date of issue 17th March 1989
60th Anniversary of Micky Mouse - Film Posters, Date of issue 20th June 1989
60th Anniversary of Micky Mouse - Film Posters, Date of issue 20th June 1989
Birth Centenary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Date of issue 14th November 1989

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