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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Germany stamps year of 1991 issue


Year of issue 1991
Sports, Date of issue 14th February 1991
Plants, Date of issue 12th March 1991
Youth Hostel - Moths, Date of issue 9th April 1991
Colias phicomone
Limenitis populi
Apatura iris
Lycaena helle
Parnassius apollo
Colias palaeno
Lycaena dispar
200th Anniversary of the Song Academy in Berlin, Date of issue 9th April 1991
125th Anniversary of the Women's Printing Workers Society, Date of issue 9th April 1991
Historical Airmail, Date of issue 9th April 1991
EUROPA Stamps - European Aerospace, Date of issue 2nd May 1991
International Energy Congress - Berlin, Germany, Date of issue 4th June 1991
Birds, Date of issue 4th June 1991
Philomachus pugnax
Sternula albifrons
Branta bernicla
Haliaeetus albicilla
Insects - Goldsmith, Date of issue 9th July 1991
Libellula depressa
Libellula depressa
Sympetrum sanguineum
Cordulegaster boltonii
Aeshna viridis
Sympetrum sanguineum
Cordulegaster boltonii
Aeshna viridis
Charity Stamps - Buildings, Date of issue 10th October 1991
Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart, Composer, Date of issue 5th November 1991
Miniature Sheet
Birth Centenary of Otto Dix, Artist, Date of issue 5th November 1991
Birth Centenary of Julius Leber, Politician, Date of issue 5th November 1991
Birth Centenary of Nelly Sachs, Writer, Date of issue 5th November 1991
Sorbian Legends, Date of issue 5th November 1991
Christmas Stamps, Date of issue 5th November 1991

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