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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Cambodia stamps collection Year 1993 issue


Year of issue 1993-94
Wildlife and Technology, Date of issue 5th February 1993
Wild Flowers, Date of issue 15th March 1993
International Stamp Exhibition "Brasiliana '93" - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Butterflies, Date of issue 15th June 1993
Symbrenthia hypselis
Geitoneura minyas
Argyreus hyperbius
120th Birth Anniversary of Alberto Santos-Dumont, Aviator, Date of issue 10th September 1993
Balloon No. 6, 1901
14 bis (Biplane), 1906
Demoiselle (Monoplane), 1909
Embraer EMB-201 A
Motor Cars, Date of issue 20th February 1994
Opel 4/12 Laubfrosch Two-seater, 1924
Mercedes 35 h.p. Four-seater, 1901
Ford Model "T" Tudor Sedan, 1927
Rolls Royce 40/50 Silver Ghost Tourer, 1907
Olympic Games - Atlanta 1996, USA, Date of issue 20th March 1994
Submarines, Date of issue 12th August 1994
Aircraft, Date of issue 6th October 1994
Sikorsky S-42 Flying Boat
Vought-Sikorsky VS-300A Helicopter Prototype
Sikorsky S-37 Biplane
Sikorsky S-35 Biplane

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