India stamps India philately revenue court fee fiscal mint used fdc rare states native Princely

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Indian Princely State Nabha Fiscal Court fee and Revenue Stamps

Indian Princely State Nabha Fiscal Court fee and Revenue Stamps
Nabha State is formerly Punjab Agency, now in Himachal Pradesh State, area of State was 2,453 KM2, and population of State was 2,87,574 in 1931, Privy purse of State on the time of accession (20th August1948) was Rs.4,10,000.
Court fee stamps :--
Type-8, used in 1939, size 63x33mm. Perf 13-1/2. Wove paper.
 8 Annas, grey
1 Rupee, chocolate
1 Rupee, deep green
4 Rupees, scarlet 
Type-9, used in 1945-50,Type 8 redrawn with new coat of arms, size 63x33mm. Perf 14. Wove paper.
4 Annas, yellow green
8 Annas, grey
1 Rupee, chocolate
Type-11, used in 1930-40, size 76x34mm. Perf 13-1/2x11-3/4. Wove paper.
8 Annas, dull lilac
1 Rupee, red-brown
Type- 12, used in 1930-40, size 75x33 mm., Perf.12, Wove paper
 Half Anna, grey-green
Later used in  Patiala and East Punjab States Union (PEPSU) 1948-1956
Overprinted by rubber stamp PEPSU
Revenue stamps :--
British India KGV Overprinted "NABHA STATE"
Type- 16, used in 1934-49. Overprinted "NABHA STATE" on British India Revenue stamps
1 Anna, red
1 Anna, purple

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